Pediatric Chiropractic
Chiropractic care ensures that a child’s spine is properly aligned so that his or her body is functioning properly. Our goal is to provide the best quality chiropractic care to your little ones so that they can grow up happy, healthy, and live life to the fullest! We strive to help kids become their healthiest selves! Dr. Dana has received advanced training through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) in the care of newborns, infants, and children.
A recent study showed that 80% of infants have some sort of spinal misalignment (subluxation) from the birth process. During the average birth, a doctor may use up to 60-90 lbs of pressure to pull the baby out by the neck. As a result, subluxations or misalignments occur and place stress onto the baby’s master control system, the nervous system. If left uncorrected, these subluxations may lead to a number of issues such as colic, difficulty with breastfeeding, constipation, ear infections, reflux, baby sleep problems, or a weakened immune system. For this reason, we encourage new parents to have their newborn’s spine checked as soon as possible after birth. As children continue to grow, the spine is exposed to many forms of trauma as they learn to walk, crawl, and play. Whether they play sports, fall off their bikes, or watch cartoons on the ipad, these activities can cause subluxations and create health challenges overtime. Chiropractic adjustments correct these subluxations and restore proper function to the body, allowing children to live each day at their maximum potential! If you would like to see how your child’s body is functioning, please contact our office to schedule a complementary consultation.
Chiropractic is extremely safe for children and adults. Infants and children are adjusted much differently than an adult counterpart because of their small size and age. Children are often adjusted using a gentle fingertip contact or by using an instrument (activator) to gently tap the vertebrae back into the correct position. Depending on the age and size of your child as well as what is going on with their health, we will cater our adjusting technique specifically to your child’s developing body.
Any bumps and falls can also create joint dysfunction and nerve irritation to a young person during the developmental years. This may present as:
Growing pains
Osgood-Schlatter’s (Jumper’s Knee)
Difficulty Sleeping
Difficulty concentrating or staying focused
Stomach aches, heartburn or indigestion
Sports injuries
Skin disorders
Gentle chiropractic care not only removes this nerve interference, but also stimulates the immune system while enhancing your child’s overall health. We use a combination of adjusting techniques, cranial-sacral therapy, myofascial release, soft tissue techniques and stretching to enhance your child’s health and well-being. We also have lots of information on nutrition and exercise and how they can benefit the overall health of families.
Sherry W.